While performing a bit in my inflatable alter ego “AIR” Clutch years ago, I was accidentally punched in the face by Mark Cuban bloodying my mouth and loosening my two front teeth.  Let me explain.  Despite my blog “headline” it was actually quite innocent, but humorous at the same time.  I was performing my usual routine where I “bop” people on the head with my inflated costume head when I chose Mark Cuban to “bop” who was standing on-court near his team’s huddle during a time out and goading me a little by pointing at his Maverick logo.  Cuban decided to have some fun and play back by punching my “AIR” character in his inflated chest which under normal circumstances would not be a problem.  His fist would just hit a big air bag causing no one any injury and we would get a quick laugh from it.  However, Cuban struck right after “AIR” Clutch had just “bopped” him while the costume was recoiling backwards which placed my face right up against the front panel.  Cuban’s fist struck me square in the mouth and nose almost knocking me out. I mean I saw stars!  Blood spurted out all over the inside front of the costume.  After a little break and aid in the back I was fine, but I wasn’t sure that Cuban ever figured out why that costume was so hard.  My two front teeth tightened up a few days later and I didn’t need any dental work. A few years later in an email I wrote to Cuban about another matter concerning a potential skit at NBA All-Star 2010 I mentioned the incident to him and explained what really had happened that night.  He was very apologetic and said he had no idea.  It was honestly no one’s fault, but rather just one of those freak accidents.  I’m glad in retrospect that it happened because it made me and still makes me laugh.  That is my, “I got punched in the face by a billionaire story!”

Published by robertboudwin1

Realtor - Speaker - Marketing Consultant - Brand Builder - Mascot Expert - Enemy of the Ordinary


  1. A very interesting story, even more so that it didn’t end with the lines, “and it was settled out of court”. This is the type of man you are and what you project, taking the task at hand for what it is and the risk that are inevitably inherent with them, handling them as a consummate professional. Even in a 10′ blow up bear with a bloody nose.
    A lesser person may have peeled off the suit and had a confrontation. Even if for nothing else but for instant gratification of yelling at your aggressor.
    No, sir, not you. When it comes to business, it is all business. Even so much so, that Mark didn’t even have a clue as to what had happened that evening until it was casually mentioned years later.
    That’s the right way to do business, making connections, not keeping score. Which you sir, did with class.


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